Italian physician; born at Göritz 1825; died at Triest 1884; son of Samuel Vita Lolli; studied medicine at Padua and Vienna. On the outbreak of the Italian war for liberation he abandoned his studies, hastened to Padua to join the volunteers, took part in the unsuccessful attempt to hold Vicenza, and then joined the garrison guarding Venice. When the cholera broke out in the besieged city, Lolli also was stricken. On his recovery he returned to his native city, but subsequently established himself as a physician at Triest. He continued to agitate for the independence of Italy (in which he included Göritz and Triest), and often incurred great danger in consequence.

Lolli wrote much, especially on psychology and magnetism. Most of his works remained in manuscripts; but the following were published: "Sul Magnetismo Animale, Pubblicato Nell' Occasione di Conseguire la Laurea," Padua, 1850; "Sulla Migliare, Due Parole di Occasione," Triest, 1857; "Sii Forte e Sarai Libero (Seneca): Sii Libero e Sarai Forte," Milan, 1860, published anonymously for political reasons; "I Numi," Milan, 1866, a symbolical story, published under the pseudonym "Aldo Apocalissio"; "Sul Cholera," Triest, 1866; and "L'Amore dal Lato Fisiologico, Filosofico, e Sociale," Milan, 1883.

S. E. L.
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