By: Max Weisz
Hungarian writer and professor of philosophy and esthetics; born at Budapest April 13, 1850. He was educated in his native town, and later attended German universities, pursuing chiefly the study of philosophy, esthetics, and pedagogy. Upon his return to Hungary he was appointed to a professorship in a real-schule of Budapest, and in 1878 was admitted as a docent into the faculty of philosophy at the University of Budapest, where he became professor in 1895. Since 1892 he has been lecturing on dramaturgy and esthetics at the National Theater Academy, and on the latter science and the history of civilization at the Francis Joseph Polytechnicum. He is a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Science and a member of the Kisfaludy Society. His chief works are: "A Filosafia Történetének Eszméje Tekintettel a Történetre Általában" (Budapest, 1878); "Kant Élete, Fejlödése és Filosofiája" (crowned by the Academy of Science, 1889); "A XIX. Ázszad Pessimismusa, Schopenhauer és Hartmann" (Budapest, 1884, prize essay). Alexander, together with Prof. Józef Bánóczi, is now editing the "Filosofiai Irók Tára" series. Among the ten volumes already published there are his popular translations, to which he has added annotations, of Descartes, Hume, and the "Prolegomena" to Kant. Conjointly with Bánóczi he translated Kant's "Kritik der Reinen Vernunft." He has also been a very active writer on pedagogical subjects. From 1882 to 1886 Alexander edited the pedagogical journal "Magyar Tanügy," and in 1891 the review "Országos Közepiskolai Tanárok Közlönye."
- Pallas Lexicon, i.;
- Szinnyei Magyar Irók Tάra, i.