ALEXANDER LYSIMACHUS (known also by his prænomen of Alexander alone; Josephus, "Ant." xviii. 6, § 3):
By: Samuel Krauss
Alabarch; brother of the philosopher Philo, and father of Julius Alexander and Tiberius Julius Alexander. He held office under the emperors Tiberius and Claudius. He was imprisoned by Caligula, but was released and restored to office by Claudius, for whose mother, Antonia, he had filled the post of procurator. In Soferim, i. 9, where the editions read ("the Law of Alexander"), a manuscript reads
. Graetz ("Jew. Quart. Rev." ii. 102) believes that reference is made to gilded letters in a scroll of the Law, belonging to the alabarch Alexander Lysimachus. This, however, is quite impossible, as Alexander Jannæus is meant. Alexander Lysimachus once refused Herod Agrippa I. (who was always in financial straits) a loan, but accorded it to Agrippa's wife Cypros. The gates of the Sanctuary were decorated by him in gold and silver (Josephus, "B. J." v. 5, § 3). See Alabarch.
- Josephus, Ant. xix. 5, § 1; xx. 5, § 2.