Hungarian political journal in German, issued five times weekly, and printed in Hebrew type. It was founded in 1869 by I. Reiss, who had acquired his journalistic training while holding the position of secretary to Chief Rabbi W. A. Meysel of Pest. The paper was especially popular during the Franco-Prussian war (1870-71); and it is noteworthy that it issued at this time a Hebrew map of the seat of war. It took no part in religious discussions, and in consideration of its supporters was friendly to the Orthodox, although the editor's own tendency was liberal. In 1878, a year before his death, Reiss engaged the well-known writer M. Ehrentheil as coeditor. The latter subsequently associated himself with the printer Burian, publisher of the paper, and continued it under the title "Allgemeine Jüdische Zeitung."

H. R. L. V.
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