Tosafist of the twelfth century; pupil of Samuel ben Meïr and Jacob Tam. His name occurs in Tos. Giṭ. 8a and 'Ab. Zarah 74b, and in several other places. Peter fell a victim to the persecutions of the second Crusade. While accompanying the body of a parnas, he was assailed by the crusaders and slain. "This," says Ephraim of Bonn, "occurred at ," which place Gross identifies with Carinthia, in Austria. A confusing account of Peter's martyrdom is given by Joseph ha-Kohen, who asserts that it happened at Ramerupt (
) and that Jacob (Jacob Tam?) was killed together with Peter.
- Ephraim of Bonn, ed. Stern and Neubauer, p. 63;
- Joseph ha-Kohen, 'Emeḳ ha-Baka, ed. Cracow, p. 45;
- idem, Dibre, ha-Yamim, ed. Amsterdam, p. 19;
- Grätz, Gesch. vi. 153;
- Gross, Gallia Judaica, pp. 434, 636.