(Redirected from POLIDO, DAVID.)

Satirist; flourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. His name, and the factthat his work was printed in Leghorn, suggest that he was an Italian; but Somerhausen reads (Polonya [?]) instead of ; whereas Steinschneider interprets it as "Fulda." David wrote "Zikron Purim" (Remembrance of Purim), a parody on the piyyuṭim for the Feast of Purim, followed by a testament of Haman, a poem full of coarse jokes, but a good imitation of the Sephardic piyyuṭim (Leghorn, 1703). Delitzsch gives 1736 as the date of its publication.

  • Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 855;
  • idem, Jew. Lit. p. 245;
  • Somerhausen, in Orient, xi. col. 181;
  • Fürst, Bibl. Jud. iii. 110;
  • Delitzsch, Gesch. der Jüd. Poesie, p. 82.
G.M. Sel.
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