PTOLEMY VII. (surnamed Philometor; generally known as Ptolemy VI.):
King of Egypt from 182 to 146 is to be read instead of
), he always had the conquest of Egypt in mind. Indeed, it was a regular part of the Egyptian policy to attempt the conquest of Syria; and Antiochus had to take account of that fact, as Jerome (on Dan. xi. 22) relates. Antiochus wished to anticipate the Egyptians, and hence attacked and defeated them (170
The two neighboring kingdoms, which were mortal enemies of each other, disagreed materially in their treatment of the Jews: in Syria the latter were persecuted; in Egypt they were favored. In the ensuing disputes about the succession to the throne in Syria, Philometor always took a part, reckoning on the Jews who were at war with the Syrians. In 150
With some exaggeration Josephus says of Philometor ("Contra Ap." ii., § 5) that he and his wife Cleopatra entrusted their entire kingdom to Jews and that the commanders-in-chief of their army were the Jews Onias and Dositheus. The Onias temple was built under him, and the work of Aristobulus on the explanation of the Mosaic laws was intended primarily for him.The Greek postscript to the Book of Esther shows that that book was brought to Egypt in the fourth year of his reign, for the passage therein concerning Ptolemy and his wife Cleopatra without doubt refers to him. The synagogal inscription of Athribis also probably refers to him.
Ptolemy Philometor died from a wound received in the battle on the River Oenoparus in Syria (I Macc. xi. 14-19; "Ant." xviii. 4, § 8). The friendly attitude of this king toward the Jews caused Grätz ("Gesch." 4th ed., iii. 577) to assign the Septuagint to his reign, but that work, as Freudenthal especially has demonstrated, is much older. On the other hand, to the reign of Philometor may be assigned the origin of another class of literature, and that is the polemic hostile to the Jews, which proceeded from Alexandria and which arose from the fact that the Jews filled public offices, seized the leadership of the army, and built a central sanctuary.