German rabbi; born Dec. 12, 1837, at Rybnik, Prussian Silesia; died at Magdeburg March 2, 1904. After studying at the seminary of Breslau (1854-62) he was called to Thorn (1862) as preacher and rabbi; subsequently he went to Magdeburg (1867), where he officiated until his death. Among his writings are the following: "Ueber die Einleitung zu Maimonides' Mischnacommentar" (Breslau, 1860); "Die Hebräischen Traditionen in den Werken des Hieronymus" (ib. 1861; continued in "Ben Chananja," 1864, and in "Monatsschrift," xiv., xvi., xvii.); "Hebräisches Gebetbuch für die Israelitische Jugend" (6th ed., 1890); and "Hieronymus' Commentar zu den Zwölf Kleinen Propheten" (Berlin, 1902). He was editor of the "Jüdisches Litteraturblatt" from 1873 until his death, of the "Israelitische Wochenschrift" from 1878 to 1895, and of several volumes of a "Predigtmagazin" (1878).

  • Brann, Gesch. des Breslauer Jüdisch-Theologischen Seminars, 1905;
  • Allg. Zeit. des Jud. March, 1904.
S. S. O.
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