A periodical issued in Brussels at irregular intervals. It was published in the French language and was devoted to Jewish science. It was founded and edited by Eliakim Carmoly, who was also the author of most of the articles which appeared in its three volumes (vol. i., Brussels, 1841; vol. ii., ib. 1842; vol. iii., ib. 1843-1844). A prospectus of the "Revue" is printed at the beginning of the last volume; it states that the success of the publication exceeded all expectations, and that almost all the articles that appeared in the preceding two volumes were reproduced in German, English, Dutch, and other languages, not only in journals, but also in books. Several of Carmoly's works, like his "Histoire des Médecins Juifs" and his "Vocabulaire de la Géographie Rabbinique en France," first appeared in the "Revue Orientale," where there appeared also his essays on the history of the Jews in Belgium, in Italy, and in Poland, and numerous biographies of eminent Jews.

  • Fürst, Bibl. Jud. i. 144-145;
  • Jew. Encyc. iii. 580.
H. R. P. Wi.
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