German rabbi; born at Kenese, Hungary, Nov. 10, 1839; educated at several Talmud Torahs, the gymnasium at Vienna, and the universities of Leipsic and Berlin (Ph. D. and Rabbi 1866). In 1867 he became rabbi at Beuthen, Upper Silesia, whence he was called to Breslau in 1887, where he is still (1905) officiating.
Rosenthal, besides contributing to the periodical press, is the author of: "Das Erste Makkabäerbuch," Leipsic, 1867; "Die Erlässe Cæsars und die Senatusconsulte in Josephus," etc., Breslau, 1879; "Vier Apokryphische Bücher aus der Zeit und Schule R. Akiba's," Leipsic, 1885.