German physician; born at Berlin Aug. 28, 1863; son of David Rosin. He studied at Breslau and Freiburg (M.D. 1887), and in 1888 became assistant to Rosenbach at the Allerheiligen Hospital. In 1892 he went to Berlin as assistant to Senator at the general dispensary, and in 1896 was admitted to the medical faculty of the Berlin University as privat-docent. He received the title of professor in 1902; and in the same year he opened a private dispensary.

Rosin is a prolific writer. He has contributed about 100 essays, especially on clinical medicine, chemical medicine, and microscopy, to the professional journals. He is a collaborator on Eulenburg's "Realencyclopädie der GesammtenHeilkunde," "Encyclopädische Jahrbücher der Gesammten Heilkunde," Drasche's "Bibliothek Medicinischer Wissenschaften," Liebreich's "Encyclopädie der Therapie," etc. He has published, with Ehrlich, Weigert, Krause, and Mosse, the "Encyclopädie der Mikroscopischen Technik."

Rosin is a member of the Verein für Jüdische Geschichte und Literatur, and has evinced an active interest in the Jewish affairs of the German capital.

S. F. T. H.
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