SHAḤAR ABAḲḲSHKA ("At morn I will seek Thee"):
Morning hymn written about 1050 by Solomon ibn Gabirol (Zunz, "Literaturgesch." p. 188), whose name appears in an acrostic. It is quoted in the prayer-book of the Sephardim, and particularly among the "supplications" following the same author's "Keter Malkut" and preceding the regular morning service of the Day of Atonement. It is associated with a tune of Morisco origin, which should be compared with the old melody of the same use for Lekah Dodi. The transcription reproduces the rime and meter scheme of the Hebrew verses.

- De Sola and Aguilar, Ancient Melodies, No. 2. London. 1857;
- F. L. Cohen, Lyra Anglo-Judaica, i., No. 1, ib. 1891;
- Israel (London), 1900, p. 77.