Hungarian philologist; born 1854; died at Klausenburg, Hungary, May 15, 1905. He studied philology at Budapest and Leipsic, and was appointed teacher successively at a gymnasium in Budapest and at Eötvös College. In 1902 he was called to the chair of Hungarian language and of Finnish philology in the University of Klausenburg.

Szilasi translated into Hungarian parts of the works of Plutarch and Thucydides, as well as Curtius' "Griechische Geschichte" and Church's "Roman Life in the Time of Cicero." He was the author also of a Vogulic dictionary and of a "Vocabularium Cseremissicum."

  • M. Eisler, in Dr. Bloch's Oesterreichische Wochenschrift, Vienna, June 2, 1905, pp. 342, 343.
S. F. T. H.
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