Hungarian ophthalmologist; born at Budapest in 1848; educated at Vienna (M.D. 1872). In 1874 he went to Budapest, where he became head physician of the ophthalmological department of the Jewish hospital; in 1883 he was appointed privat-docent at the university, and in 1895 assistant professor. In 1902 King Francis Joseph I. elevated him to the Hungarian peerage, when he assumed the name "Szilsárkány." His chief works are: "Eine Innervationserscheinung der Iris" (1874); "Therapeutische Versuche mit Eserinum" (1877); "A Szemüveg," on spectacles (1882); "Zur Morphologie der Papilla," in "Centralblatt für Praktische Augenheilkunde," 1889; "Optische Verwerthung von Brillenreflexen," in Graefe's "Archiv für Ophthalmologie," 1893; "Ueber Disjunction des Hornhautepithels," (ib. 1900); "Augenspiegelstudien zu einer Morphographie des Sehnerveneintrittes beim Menschen" (1901).

  • Pallas Lex.;
  • Szili, Emlék Kouyr.
S. L. V.
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