Cabalist of the beginning of the eighteenth century; son of Judah Löb Cohen of Krotoschin, Prussia. He wrote the "Shem-Ṭob Ḳaṭan"—extracts from alleged works of Isaac Luria and Moses Naḥmanides, and containing various prayers and formulas illustrating the practical application of the Cabala. Among others there is a prayer by Moses Naḥmanides for making oneself invisible to robbers while on a journey—the writer adds that he tried it himself and found it efficacious—and another prayer for extinguishing a conflagration. Conceived in the same spirit is his other book, "Amtaḥat Binyamin" (Benjamin's Bag).

  • Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. p. 790;
  • Benjacob, Oẓar ha-Sefarim, pp. 44a, 592.
K. P. B.
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