) (called also Bati Baltan, Biltin, and in the Talmud Beram):
A steep hill above the Euphrates, on which is built the modern town of Bir; lat. 37° 3' N., long. 38° E. Travelers and caravans from Aleppo to Diarbekir, Bagdad, and Portia cross the Euphrates at this point. According to the Mishnah (R. H. ii. 4), Bet Beltin was the extreme point of Palestine to which messengers came from Jerusalem to announce the new moon. This they did by kindling fires on the summit of the hill.
- Schwarz, Das Heilige Land, p. 55;
- Ritter, Erdkunde, x. 925;
- Neubauer, G. T. pp. 242, 354.