Consistorial rabbi at Krefeld, in the Rhine province; born Dec. 13, 1807, at Carlsruhe; died Aug. 25, 1867, at Krefeld. He occupied the position of rabbi at Hildesheim in 1837. Bodenheimer published: (1) "Das Testament Unter Benennung einer Schenkung, nach Rabbinischen Quellen" (Krefeld, 1848); (2) "Das Paraphrastische der Arabischen Uebersetzung des R. Saadja Gaon"; (3) (the Blessing of Moses); and (4) (the Song of Moses), the last two being scientific comparisons of the translations contained in Walton's Polyglot, with a special reference to the Greek and Arabic variants.

  • Lippe, Bibliographisches Lexicon;
  • Winter and Wünsche, Die Jüdische Litteratur, iii.
S. J. D. B.
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