Christian Hebraist and rabbinical scholar at the beginning of the eighteenth century; aulic councilor to the emperor and to the duke of Gotha. He produced an elaborate edition of Yosippon with a Latin version, under the title "Josephus Gorionides" (Gotha, 1707). The detailed subject-index at the end still renders it of value for reference. A stillgreater exploit was his Latin translation of the commentary to the whole Bible of Rashi, whom he calls "Jarchi," which work appeared in three thick volumes (Gotha, 1710-13). Breithaupt takes note of the various readings of Rashi's text; and, on the whole, produced a version of considerable accuracy, considering the circumstances under which he wrote.
- Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. i. 1096 (who declares his ignorance of any details of this writer);
- Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. No. 4625.