American physician; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Sept., 1857. Educated in the public schools, he graduated from the Central High School in 1872. From 1880 he studied medicine under his brother, Dr. J. da Silva Solis Cohen, and at Jefferson Medical College, from which institution he received the degree of M.D. in 1883. Since that time he has been engaged in active hospital and private practise in Philadelphia, where he still resides (1902).

Cohen was demonstrator of pathology and microscopy at the Philadelphia Polyclinic from 1883 to 1885. In 1887 he became lecturer on special therapeutics at his ahna mater, and in the same year professor of clinical medicine and therapeutics at the Philadelphia Polyclinic and the College for Graduates in Medicine, a position which he held for fifteen years. In 1889 he became clinical lecturer on medicine at the Jefferson Medical College, and in the same year physician to the Philadelphia Hospital. He is also physician to the Jewish Hospital, and physician to the Rush Hospital for Consumptives. In 1890-92 he gave, by invitation, special courses of lectures on therapeutics in the medical department of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., and was appointed senior assistant professor of clinical medicine in Jefferson Medical College and physician to Jefferson College Hospital in 1902.

Cohen has been president of the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Philadelphia; was one of the founders of the Jewish Publication Society of America, and a member of its publication committee. He was also one of the founders and a member of the first board of editors of "The American Hebrew"; and a founder and trustee of the Jewish Theological Seminary Association; he is a member of the board of trustees of Gratz College, Philadelphia. He has been president of the Philadelphia County Medical Society (1898-99), and is recorder of the Association of American Physicians.

He was editor of the "Philadelphia Polyclinic" from 1894 to 1899; has been on the editorial staff of "The Medical News," "The American Journal of the Medical Sciences," and "The Universal Annual of the Medical Sciences;" and is one of the editors of "American Medicine." He is author of "Therapeutics of Tuberculosis," Philadelphia, 1890, and joint author (with A. A. Eshner) of "Essentials of Diagnosis," Philadelphia, 1892, 2d ed. 1900. He has also edited "System of Physiologic Therapeutics," 11 vols., ib. 1901-1902.

Besides contributing to the medical journals and encyclopedias and to the Jewish journals, Cohen has written poems and belletristic essays for the leading magazines.

  • Morais, The Jews of Philadelphia, passim, Philadelphia, 1894.
A. F. T. H.
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