Italian author; lived at Asti and Chieri in the beginning of the seventeenth century. He published several Hebrew poems, including: "Ot le-Ṭobah," twenty-two sentences on Talmudic arguments in the order of the Hebrew alphabet, which appeared together with "Shir le-Siman ha-Parashiyyot" and " Shirim bi-Leshon Ḥidah Meḥubbarim" (Riddles and Their Solution) (Chieri, 1627); "Dibre Ester," allegorical commentary to Esther, together with "Zeh ha-Shulḥan" (ib. 1628); "Ma'agal Ṭob," seventeen sentences of the Talmud (ib. 1627-28), in which he was assisted by his son Abraham as printer or editor (Steinschneider, "Cat. Bodl." col. 2866); "Shir Yehudit" (Asti, 1628); "Mar'eh Ḥayyim," halakic matter in verse (Chieri, 1629); "Meḳom Binah," comments on certain passages in Proverbs (ib. 1630); "Teḥillat Dabar," a treatise on logic, preserved in a Cod. Almanzi; besides a collection of poems, reviewed by Steinschneider in "Ha-Asif," ii. 225. Concio also wrote in Italian, as two poems, "Cinque Enimmi" (Asti, 1628) and "Canto di Judit" (1628), bear witness.
- De Rossi, Dizionario, p. 86;
- idem, Libri Stampati, pp. 40, 59;
- Steinschneider, Hebr. Bibl. xvii. 14; xx. 129, 130; xxi. 74;
- idem, in Ha-Asif, ii. 225;
- idem, in Monatsschrift, xliii. 320.