Village in the government of Warsaw, Russian Poland. It is the seat of a Jewish agricultural college, which was completed in 1901, accommodation being provided for sixty students. The college lands comprise 1,630 acres, 1,090 of which are arable, the remainder consisting of forest and meadows. The live and dead stock is (1901) valued at 2,574 rubles and 10,350 rubles respectively; and the receipts from the farming operations for 1901 were entirely satisfactory.

The students receive elementary instruction of a thoroughly practical nature in agriculture, horticulture, market-gardening, and dairying; and they also learn to work in wood and iron and to repair the agricultural plant. Candidates for admission to the college must know Russian, and have completed their thirteenth year. A preparatory school has been established for pupils who are not sufficiently advanced to enter the college. The college has opened up a new field for many of the Jewish youth of Poland.

  • Rapport de l' Administration Central au Conseil d' Administration pour l'Année 1901 (Jewish Colonization Association), pp. 98-100, Paris, 1902.
H. R. A. P.
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