Palestinian haggadist of the fourth amoraic generation (fourth century C. E.); junior contemporary of Aḥa III., in whose name he repeats some homiletic remarks (Pesiḳ. R. xiv. 60b, xxi. 109b), and senior of R. Yudan, who reports in his name (Midr. Teh. xxxi. 7).

One of the homilies bearing Eleazar's name argues that the observance of the Sabbath is tantamount to all other commandments combined, which he tries to prove from passages in each of the three divisions of the Bible—the Pentateuch (Ex. xvi. 28, 29), the Prophets (Ezek. xx. 13), and the Hagiographa (Neh. ix. 13, 14).

  • Bacher, Agada der Palestinensischen Amoräer, iii. 696 et seq.
S. S. S. M.
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