Son of Seth, Adam's third son. In his time men began to call upon ("man," Deut. xxxii. 26) and the Aramaic
(Dan. ii. 10). Enos and the descendants of Seth in general (Gen. v. 1 et seq.) have been regarded by some modern scholars as simply arbitrary pendants to the Cainites (Gen. iv. 17-24); but the two series of names are very different.
- Friedrich Delitzsch, Wo Lag das Paradies? p. 149;
- A. H. Sayce, in The Expository Times, 1898-99, pp. 352 et seq.;
- Hommel, Aufsätze und Abhandlungen, 1900, part ii., p. 222;
- Gunkel, Handkommentar zur Genesis, 1901, p. 46.