Name borne by a number of Palestinian Jews. R. Jose quotes in reference to several halakic questions the testimony of a certain "Eutolemus," who gave a decision in the name of five elders (R. H. 15a; Suk. 40a; 'Er. 35a), and whose full name was "Eutolemus ben Reuben" (Soṭah 49b). He is quoted in the Talmud as having been permitted by the Rabbis to cut his hair in conformity with pagan custom because of his intercourse with court officials (B. Ḳ. 83a). In Hebrew the name "Eutolemus" is variously spelled ,
- Krauss, in Byzantinische Zeitschrift, ii. 510;
- idem, Griechische und Lateinische Lehnwörter, p. 4;
- Weiss, Seder ha-Dorot, p. 22, Warsaw, 1882.