Hungarian physician; born at Lovasberény March 23, 1861; studied medicine at the University of Budapest, where he became privat-docent of urogenital diseases in 1889. The instruments invented by him and bearing his name are generally recognized by specialists. His work on urogenital diseases appeared in 1890, in two volumes (German transl. in 1894), under the title "Die Klinik der Blasenkrankheiten." Feleki is on the editorial board of the "Centralblatt für die Krankheiten der Harn- und Sexualorgane" of Berlin, and is vice-president of the dermatological section of the Royal Society of Physicians of Budapest, and one of the superintending physicians of the Polyclinic of that city. He was instrumental in founding the Teleia society of Budapest, the purpose of which is, by literary and social institutions, as well as by gratuitous medical services, to check prostitution, and the spread of the diseases incidental to it.