By: Isidore Singer
Austrian rabbi and author; born at Budikau, a village in the district of Chrudim, Bohemia, Jan. 12, 1821; graduated from the University of Prague (Ph.D., 1850); rabbi of various small congregations in the district of Eger (1854-63). Besides preparing new editions of Buxtorf's rabbinic lexicon (1873) and Wiener's Chaldaic grammar (1882), Fischer wrote: "Kochbuch der Kalliope, eine Aesthetik für Kunst und Theater-Freunde," Leipsic, 1896; "Grundzüge der Philosophie und Theosophie," ib. 1899; he also edited "Bikkure ha-'Ittim," an illustrated Hebrew monthly, Leipsic, 1863.