FOA, ESTHER-EUGÉNIE (née Rodrigues):

French authoress; born at Bordeaux 1795; died in Paris 1853. She was famous for her beauty. Under the nom de plume "Maria Fitz Clarence" she contributed to many Parisian periodicals. The following among her numerous novels may be mentioned: "Kiddushim, ou L'Anneau Nuptial des Hébreux," 4 vols., Paris, 1830; "La Juive," 2 vols., 1835; "Contes Historiques," 1840, with notes by G. A. Neven, London, 1868.

  • Féret, Statistique de la Gironde, iii. 250;
  • La Grande Encyclopédie, s.v.
S. C. de B.
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