Austrian journalist and author, born at Rostschin, Moravia, Jan. 18, 1851; studied at Prague, Berlin, and Vienna (Ph.D.). In 1874 he was appointed professor at the Vienna Handelsakademie, but was obliged to resign in 1881 for political reasons. In 1883 he became editor of "Die Deutsche Wochenschrift," founded by himself; and in 1886 was editor-in-chief of "Die Deutsche Zeitung," organ of the German club of the Austrian Chamber of Deputies. From 1891 to 1895he was a member of the Vienna municipal council. He has been a regular contributor to the Munich "Allgemeine Zeitung," and a correspondent of other influential journals. His chief publications have been: "Kaiser Karl IV. und Sein Antheil am Geistigen Leben Seiner Zeit" (Vienna, 1876); "Der Ausgleich mit Ungarn" (Leipsic, 1877); "Ein Stück Zeitungsgeschichte" (2d ed., Vienna, 1887); "Der Kampf um die Vorherrschaft in Deutschland" (2 vols., 1896; 5th ed., Stuttgart, 1902). He has besides edited "Benedek's Nachgelassene Papiere" (Leipsic, 1901).

  • Eisenberg, Das Geistige Wien, i., s.v.;
  • Brockhaus, Konversations-Lexikon, 1902, vii.;
  • Meyers Konversations-Lexikon.
S. N. D.
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