Hungarian jurist and criminal lawyer; born in Grosswardein Oct. 10, 1843; studied law at the "Rechtsakademie" there and at the University of Budapest. He won general sympathy through his manly conduct in connection with the notorious Tisza-Eszlár trial. He wrote: "Hazai Bányászatunk Nemzetgazdasági és Statisztikai Szempontból," Budapest, 1866; "A Népbirák és Esküdtszèkek Intezménye," ib. 1876 (which won the grand academical prize); "A Felebbvitel Bünügyekben Tekintettel a Közvetlen Szóbelisègre," ib. 1878; "Eszrevètelek a Magyar Bünvádi Eljarási Javaslat Iranyeszméi Felett," 1889.

  • Szinnyei, Magyar Irók Tára;
  • Pallas Nagy Lexicon.
S. M. W.
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