Galician rabbinical scholar; born about 1845; died in Vienna after 1880. He was the author of "Toledot Rabbi 'Aḳibah," a biography of the tanna Akiba b. Joseph (Lemberg, 1871; see "Ha-Shaḥar," ii. 399-400), and of the German work "Mohamed nach Talmud und Midrash" (issued in parts, Berlin, 1875; Vienna, 1877-80; see Sprenger in "Z. D. M. G." xxix. 654-659). He also wrote in Hebrew a biography of the Königswarter family entitled "Toledot Bet Königswarter" (Vienna, 1877); "Anshe Shem," biographies of Jonathan Eybeschütz and Solomon Munk (Lyck, 1879); and "Toledot Yellineḳ," a biography of Adolph Jellinek (Brody, 1880).

  • Lippe, Bibliographisches Lexicon, i. 129, 600, Vienna, 1881;
  • Zeitlin, Bibl. Post-Mendels. p. 107;
  • M. Schwab, Répertoire, Paris, 1900;ib. Supplement, 1903.
E. C. P. Wi.
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