Hungarian philologist; born at Tés in 1855; died at Budapest April 9, 1901. He studied at the gymnasia of Veszprim and Stuhlweissenburg, and at the University of Budapest. From 1877 to 1892 he taught at the Obergymnasium of Stuhlweissenburg; in 1893 he was appointed professor of Hungarian philology at the University of Klausenburg. Between 1880 and 1890 he was sent three times by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to the Swedish and Norwegian Laplanders, among whom he gathered much material relating to folk-poetry and comparative philology. The following are the most important of his philological works: "Ritkábbés Homályosabb Képzök" (on rare formative sounds; crowned by the Academy); "Magyar Szók az Eszaki Szláv Nyelvekben" (on Hungarian words in North-Slavic languages); "Svéd-Lapp Nyelv" (on the language of the Swedish Laplanders); "Az Ugorszamojed Nyelvrokonság" (on the relationship of the Ugro-Samoyed languages). He collected and translated Finnish folk-songs, translated Grimm's "Household Tales," and published original Hungarian fairy-tales.
- Szinnyei, Magyar Irók Elete;
- Magyar Genius, 1893;
- Budapesti Napló, April 10, 1901.