Liturgical poet; lived at Montpellier in the second half of the thirteenth century. He is highly praised by Abraham Bedersi in the poem entitled "Ḥereb ha-Mithappeket." Several of his piyyuṭim have been preserved in the ritual of Carpentras and in Maḥzor manuscripts. The surname "Harari" (of the mountain) was given in the Middle Ages to Jacob ben Makir ibn Tibbon, of Montpellier, to Aaron ben Abraham ben Jacob, of Marseilles, to Abraham ben Solomon, of Bagnoles, and later to several Jews of Italy and the East.

  • Zunz, Z. G. pp. 463, 469;
  • idem, Literaturgesch. p. 495;
  • idem, Nachtrag zur Literaturgesch. p. 42;
  • Luzzatto, in Berliner's Magazin, Hebr. part, vii. 17.
K. S. K.
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