By: Isidore Singer, Edgar Mels
Austrian physician; born at Kolin, Bohemia, Dec. 22, 1824; died in 1901. He studied at the University of Prague, making a specialty of neurology, and obtained his degree in 1847. Kraus then became a practising physician in Leipnik and Vienna. He was the author of: "Vollständiges Therapeutisches Taschenbuch" (1863); "Compendium der Speciellen Pathologie und Therapie Unserer Haussäugetiere" (1867); "Encyklopädisches Wörterbuch der Staatsarzneikunde" (1872-78); "Compendium der Speziellen Pathologie und Therapie" (1874); "Die Behandlung der Syphilis" (1875); "Die Hygiene" (1878). His brother Bernard Kraus was one of the first contributors to the "Allgemeine Wiener Medicinische Zeitung" (1856-1879) and to the "Zeitschrift für Gerichtliche Medicin und Oeffentliche Gesundheitspflege" (1865-68).
- Das Geistige Wien, ii. 280-281.